Category Archives: Vehicle Maintenance

a hose spraying a car close up

How often should you get your Nissan car washed?

Car washing schedule recommendations 

Keeping your Nissan looking fresh and clean isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s also about protecting your vehicle from damage caused by dirt, grime, and road salt. If you drive in Dayton, OH, you know that the seasons bring different challenges for your car’s exterior. So, how often should you get your Nissan car washed? Let’s break it down by season and driving condition. Keep reading with Matt Castrucci Nissan for car washing schedule recommendations. 

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two people under a car working on it

Get Your Oil Changed at Matt Castrucci Nissan in Dayton, OH

Where to Go for an Oil Change Near Me in Dayton, OH

Every driver needs to take care of their vehicle by following proper maintenance and service routines. Vehicle owners in the greater Dayton area might be wondering: “Where can I go for an oil change near me in Dayton, OH?” No matter what type of vehicle service, maintenance or repair you need taken care of, Matt Castrucci Nissan is here to help.

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A mechanic checking tires of a car

Important tire care services to remember

When you purchase a new or used Nissan, you’re making a (hopefully) long-term investment. To get the most out of your vehicle, you should take the necessary steps to maintain it. Tires are obviously important, and they need special attention. If you don’t take proper care of your tires, you will find yourself having to replace them much more often than you should. Keep reading to learn more.  Read the rest of this entry >>

What do Nissan’s dashboard warning lights mean?

Have one of your dashboard warning lights turn on in your Nissan can be frustrating, but if you aren’t sure what the dashboard light means or what it’s trying to tell you, it can be downright scary. Our team here at Matt Castrucci Nissan never wants you to feel overwhelmed, so we’ve put together a list of Nissan’s most common dashboard lights and what they mean. So before you panic, take a look at the chart below to determine what your dashboard light means! Read the rest of this entry >>

2015 Nissan Sentra side view

Learn how to get the most miles out of your Nissan with these 4 simple tips

How to get the most miles out of your Nissan

When buying a new or used Nissan, the first thing that drivers want to know is how they can get the most miles out of it without spending a lot of money. Well, for starters, regular scheduled maintenance is the key. While there may be many things you have to do to get the most miles out of your Nissan, the following list will show you the top tips so you can keep your new or used Nissan on the road for as long as possible. Read the rest of this entry >>

2016 Nissan Maxima side view

Expensive car problems that are not worth fixing if they go bad

Car Problems That Are Not Worth Fixing

Owning a car offers the freedom to go anywhere and do anything you want when you want. This freedom however does come with a price. Not only does it cost money to buy a new or used car, but it also cost money to keep it running and performing they way it was designed to. Normal vehicle maintenance is very common for every vehicle, but sometimes things can be neglected for too long or even just go bad. While some auto repair and scheduled maintenance can be affordable for most, there are a few car problems that are not worth fixing if they go bad. The following list will show the top culprits that are too expensive to get fixed. If you are having any of these problems in your current vehicle, it may be time to start looking for a new vehicle. Read the rest of this entry >>

A white 2018 Nissan Armada

3 Ways you might be wrecking your car and don’t even know it

Ways You’re Wrecking Your Car

There are many things that a car owner must do to their vehicle to keep in pristine condition and to keep it on the road for as long as possible. While there may be some things that you can’t control, there are many that you can not. The following list from Matt Castrucci Nissan, a new and used car dealership in Dayton, OH, will show you the top 3 ways you’re wrecking your car so you can take preemptive action to keep yourself from causing anymore damage and costly repairs. Read the rest of this entry >>

close up of oil being poured into an engine

Nissan has changed how often you should be getting your oil changed

How Often Should You Change the Oil in a Nissan

There are many vehicle maintenance procedures that you have to have performed in order to keep your vehicle running the way it should, but none of them are as important as getting an oil change. Engine oil is the lifeblood of your car and what keeps your engine performing the way it was designed to, but if you forget to change it, or change it too late, you could be causing some major damage to your vehicle’s engine. Engine design has changed how often you should change the the oil in a Nissan and it’s a lot less frequent than you think. Many drivers still think that 3,000 miles is the magic number, but not anymore. A new Nissan can drive a lot more miles than that before it needs an oil change.

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2015 Nissan Pathfinder front quarter view

Keep your Nissan engine from overheating with these 5 simple tips

How to Keep Your Nissan Engine From Overheating

With summer finally here and hot temperatures along with it, there are a few things that you should know going into the next few months. While hot summer days can cause your Nissan engine to overheat, it can also happen during the winter. The last thing you ever want to have happen to your vehicle is for its engine to overheat. Some major damage can be done when an engine overheats so try to follow these 5 tips on how to keep your Nissan engine from overheating and you’ll not only save money, but it will also keep you from having an unexpected breakdown on the road. Read the rest of this entry >>