Best Ways to Prevent Vehicle Theft
A common fear among drivers is the danger presented by car thieves. In addition to stealing personal items placed inside your vehicle, a skilled thief could potentially drive off with it. Looking for a list of the best ways to prevent vehicle theft? Below, we’ve put together several tips to keep your vehicle secure from unwanted access.
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Fortunately, there are many strategies that drivers can use to protect themselves from being the victim of a vehicle break-in. When parking, always try to park in a highly visible location that is easily seen from multiple angles. Always roll up the windows and ensure that the doors are securely shut and locked before leaving the vehicle unattended, no matter how long you’ll be gone.
If your vehicle is not already equipped with an anti-theft system, consider getting one installed. While many modern vehicles already come with anti-theft functionality, vehicles that lack one can be easily equipped with a high-quality system at a trusted service center. Many vehicle insurance providers offer discounts on these types of systems.
Other Tips for Avoiding Automotive Theft & Break-Ins
- Avoid leaving valuables in your car
- Always cover personal items from external view
- At night, park in areas that are well-lit
- Install a vehicle tracking device
- Get the vehicle’s VIN professionally etched on the window
- Buy a steering wheel or brake locking device

Drivers wondering where to go for vehicle service and maintenance should schedule an appointment with Matt Castrucci Nissan in Dayton, OH. Our dealership is equipped to handle a wide variety of automotive services, including automotive electrical service, oil changing, tire balancing and rotation, coolant flushing and more. Drivers can schedule a service appointment right here on our website.