The winter season doesn’t officially kick off for a little over a week, but that hasn’t stopped winter weather from making its first appearance here in Dayton. The harsher conditions create new dangers for drivers on the road, so it’s vitally important to have a dedicated winter roadside emergency kit packed safely in your vehicle while traveling. But what should you pack in the winter emergency kit? Read on to find out!
You might also be interested in: 3 tips for staying safe on the road this winter in the Midwest
Packing list for a winter roadside emergency kit
Snow Supplies
Including snow supplies in your winter roadside emergency kit is extremely important as Midwest weather is known to be unpredictable and unforgiving. We recommend keeping a small shovel and ice scraper in your vehicle, as well as some form of road salt or sand, in the back of your vehicle. These items will help you out if you end up getting stuck in the snow, with the road salt or sand providing traction and the shovel obviously allowing you to clear snow.
Extra Clothing
Temperatures fall drastically in the winter season, making a breakdown more dangerous than in milder conditions. Because of the cold temperatures Dayton regularly sees, we suggest packing a few extra cold-weather supplies. An extra blanket, winter hat, and pair of gloves are necessities for any cold weather roadside emergency kit, but if you really want to go all-out, throwing in a winter jacket will give you peace of mind if you or your passengers forgot to wear a coat.
Worst-Case Scenario
We can’t think of a worse scenario than being stranded at night on the side of the road during winter with a dead cell phone, so we definitely recommend keeping a car-adaptable cell phone charger in your winter emergency kit. Throwing in more worst-case scenario items, like a flashlight, batteries, jumper cables, flares or reflectors, a lighter, and a first aid kit, will also prepare you for just about any situation you can end up in while on the road.

A close up of a wheel covered in snow

Car covered in snow with help written on it
Read more of our best tips and tricks!
Have more ideas for useful items to pack in a winter roadside emergency kit? If so, let us know your thoughts in the comments below! And if you’re looking to take extra precaution in the winter season, give our service department a call and find out what vehicle services can prepare your car for the harsh weather!